Month: August 2022

Top 5 Tips for Keeping Healthy Gums

When you look at the mirror and smile, perhaps the first thing you may look at might be your pearly white teeth. But have you tried looking at the gums holding them? Many people are so concentrated on tooth care and forget their gums. You’ll be surprised to know that …

Managing a Rental Property? Consider These Factors

Possessing property or two is an excellent sign of one’s economic security. When invested, it has the opportunity to produce revenue. However, it can immediately become a financial black hole if not appropriately managed. Over the last few decades, the real estate industry has grown at an unprecedented rate. This …

The Perks of Spray Tanning

Spray tans give people a healthy, radiant tanning experience in time for a prom, wedding, or any other event. They’re a better alternative to sitting in the sun or, more importantly, spending time in the UV bed. Skin cancer can result from exposure to UV radiation from the sun or …

Dental Abscess: 3 Major Types

Abscesses in the mouth and on the teeth are other names for dental abscesses. A buildup of pus is the result of an infection that is localized. If an abscess in the mouth is not managed correctly, there is a risk of hospitalization. An abscessed tooth results from a pus-filled, …