As a person’s dementia symptoms worsen, they will require additional care and support. This could imply that moving into a care facility would better satisfy their needs. If a person’s dementia has advanced to the point that they require more care and support than you are capable of providing, it may be time to place them in a care home. They may require 24-hour care at this point.
When should someone with dementia enter a care facility?
Dementia is progressive, which means the individual will require increased care and support over time. As your loved one’s condition deteriorates, their requirements increase, and you may find that you cannot adequately meet their needs despite your best efforts.
This is only one of the several reasons why people with dementia may need to go into dementia care facilities. Additional reasons include hospitalizations, concern for your loved one’s safety, or when their behavior becomes uncontrollable.
There is no cure for dementia, and a person’s physical and mental health will deteriorate as the condition progresses. If they require 24-hour monitoring and support to be safe and maintain a high quality of life, the only option may be to enter a care facility..
Who makes the decision?
In certain circumstances, the person with dementia will decide whether or not they need to move into a care facility on their own. If this is the situation, they should be allowed to make their own decision and be given any assistance they require. However, by the time a person with dementia requires the degree of care provided by a nursing home, they have typically lost the ability and mental capacity to make this decision for themselves.
If the individual cannot make this decision for themselves, someone else must make it for them. This is typically the person’s attorney under a durable power of attorney for health and welfare or their welfare deputy if they have one.
Any attorney or deputy must act in the person’s best interests. Often, an attorney or deputy for property and financial issues (but not for health and welfare) can make this decision on behalf of the individual with dementia. They are legally empowered to arrange for the financial support necessary to pay for this care. Professionals or members of the individual’s family may, however, appeal this decision.
How to pick the right care home?
To determine the finest care home for your loved one’s needs, contact your local council’s social services department and request a needs assessment. Your local government will provide recommendations regarding your loved one’s care and will also undertake a financial evaluation, as they may be able to cover some of the costs.
As previously stated, planning ahead simplifies the process of selecting a care home because you will have more knowledge about your loved one’s preferences and needs. While a residential care home can provide personal care such as washing and dressing, a nursing home will have a qualified nurse on-site 24 hours a day. If you are looking for a facility that is rated 5 stars by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services check this site.
The majority of dementia care facilities rely on skilled and experienced staff members to provide round-the-clock help and supervision to patients. These specialists have the necessary skill sets to deal with any emergency situation. Whoever decides to place someone in a care facility must consider why it is in the person’s best interests. If possible, the individual should be included in the discussion, even if they cannot make the decision on their own. This is because they are certain to have preferences and emotions towards the decision.